God's blessing comes to us, because God wants to bless others through us.
Ultimately, God's blessing comes to us, because God wants to bless others through us for His fame and His name's sake. That's why the psalmist says "that Your way may be known on the earth, Your saving power among all the nations." He doesn't just say bless me and fill me up. He prays that God would bless His people in such a powerful way that it transforms the world around them for His glory. Let them see your power and your way. Let them see your glory when they see us.
That is the purpose of all the good things that God does for us and provides us. It's not just so we can sit back and enjoy ourselves. Ultimately, it's so that we might shine His goodness all around us. In other words, we are blessed to be a blessing.
How can you live this out this week? Who can you serve? Who can you be a blessing to? Who can you allow to experience God's grace through you as He pours it into you?