What It Means to Thrive
April 14, 2020
Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness. Psalm 115:1
There are not many prayers that go against our culture more than this one. We are bombarded day after day with the gospel of self, that we need to do what makes us happy no matter what. It's this message that tells us that what matters most is what we feel and what we want. Many people feel like God (if there is one) has no right to mess with their plans, or He is just another source to help them get what they want.

I love the resolve of this Psalm. This verse begins with a passionate decision. The psalmist, representing the people of God, proclaims that the glory and fame for who they are as a people does not belong belong to them, and they won't try to take it.

"Not to us, O LORD, not to us…" Honestly, that is a resolve we have to fight for. Our hearts naturally want to say, "All to us, yes, all to us!" Throughout the Bible and throughout history, this tendency has played out again and again. People look to themselves instead of God, and therefore, people crave glory for themselves rather than seeking to give God glory.
Many people feel like God has no right to mess with their plans, or He is just another source to help them get what they want.
But there is something incredibly important behind giving God glory that so many people misunderstand. Our greatest happiness, satisfaction, joy, and good is found in giving glory to God. Another way to say it is that we have been designed by God to thrive by living for God. Outside of this design, we will never be truly human as God has created us to be.

While this may seem a bit selfish and strange for God to make us for His own glory, that we would thrive in giving Him glory, the reality is that there is nothing greater for us. There is no person, place, material thing, power, or possession that is even close to being as great as God is. It's just a fact. He is more beautiful, He is more majestic, He is more perfect, He is greater, and He is more superior than every single thing that exists.
We have been designed by God to thrive by living for God.
When God created us, it was for the purpose of sharing His infinite beauty, worth, and glory. He created us so that we might drink of the endless depths of who He is in a relationship with Him. It was for our joy that God made us, and that joy comes by enjoying Him above all things. Giving God glory is not some lesser pursuit in this life; it is the greatest possible pursuit for your life.

The prayer of Psalm 115:1 reveals a truth that this author had come to realize that had deeply impacted and transformed Him. This is the truth that God's people are invited into, the only truth where we can really flourish as people: By God's grace I have been set free from serving myself and seeking my own glory to find the deepest joy in giving glory to the only one true God, who alone deserves it. "Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness." Psalm 115:1
Giving God glory is not some lesser pursuit in this life; it is the greatest possible pursuit for your life.

© 2020 Hope City Church
e: info@hopecitybismarck.com

p: (701) 202-4980

1327 Columbia Dr.
Bismarck, ND 58504

P.O. Box 631
Bismarck, ND 58502