Hope City Blog

Advent Day 8 - Matthew 1:21

She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.

In the Bible, names were not just names as they often are in our culture. People were named intentionally, and there was a meaning associated with their names. 

Think about this. Mary and Joseph didn't come up with a name for their miracle child. God Himself named Jesus. It was not a random or meaningless name. It was a declaration of who this child would be, and not just a hopeful declaration but a reality. "For He will save His people from their sins."

The name of Jesus means the Lord saves. Our Savior brought those words to life in the incarnation in an incredible, unforeseen way. When the eternal Son took on flesh and became a man, the name "Jesus" revealed a deeper mystery than anyone could have ever imagined.

When the eternal Son took on flesh and became a man, the name "Jesus" revealed a deeper mystery than anyone could have ever imagined.

The angel explains what it means that this child will be "the Lord saves." He will save His people from their sins, but what does it mean that He will save His people from their sins?

This child will atone for sin with His own blood. He will be the fulfillment of the entire sacrificial system of the Old Testament. He will be the substance of all the shadows. Every sacrifice was temporary, and every priest was limited. Jesus came to be the once and for all sacrifice that perfectly and sufficiently paid the price for our sin.

But not only does Jesus save His people from the penalty of sin. He came to save us from the power and the presence of sin as well. 

Jesus saves us from serving sin as a master. He sets us free to truly love and treasure God, to obey and to serve Him as Lord. He sets us free from the lies and destruction of living life as a slave to sin.

And one day, Jesus will destroy even the presence of sin, so that we live in His kingdom for all eternity in absolute perfection with our God and our King.

"She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:21